
- Centimeter Ruler
- 15 Plastic Cups
- 10 ml measuring cylinders
- 50 ml beakers (5)
- 3 Glass Stirrers
- Labels
- Notebook and pen (to record data)  
- Gloves

- Salt water (30 ml)
- Sugar water (30 ml)
- Tap water (30 ml)
- Detergent water (30 ml)
- Salt (1 teaspoon)
- Sugar (1 teaspoon)
- Detergent (1 teaspoon)
- Mung bean seeds
- Soil

Step 1: Put the soil into the plastic cups. The soil provides nutrients for the plants
Step 2: Plant 3 mung bean seeds on each of the plastic cups.
Step 3: Stick the labels onto the plastic cups.
Step 4: Label one set as control and the rest from A to D.
Step 5: Make 3 setups for each aliphabet and control. There should be a total of 15 plastic cups containing soil and green beans.
Step 6: Water each of the plant with 10 millilitres(ml) of tap water for the first few days.
Step 7: Let the plants germinate and grow to a certain height of 3cm. Until that, water the plants with tap water.
Step 8: After the plants have grown to a height of 3cm, water them with different types of water which are tap water, salt water, sugar water and detergent water.
Step 9: Since each plant is being watered with 10 ml of water, one setup would need 30 ml of the respective water.
Step 10: Take 5 small beakers of a capacity of 50 ml. Label all the 5 beakers respectively by labelling one beaker as control and the rest from A-D.
Step 11: Fill each of the beaker with 30 ml of water.
Step 12: The beaker labelled as control and A will be tap water.
Step 13: Beaker B,C and D will be salt water, sugar water and detergent water respectively.
Step 14: Add 1 teaspoon of Salt into beaker B which is filled with 30 ml of water.
Step 15: Stir beaker B with a glass stirrer well until the salt is fully dissolved into the water.
Step 16: Add 1 teaspoon of sugar into beaker C which is filled with 30 ml of water.
Step 17: Stir beaker C with a glass stirrer well until the sugar is fully dissolved into the water.
Step 18: Add 1 teaspoon of detergent into beaker D which is filled with 30 ml of water.
Step 19: Stir beaker D with a glass stirrer well until the detergent is fully dissolved into the water.
Step 20: Take a 10 ml measuring cylinder.
Step 21: Take the beaker labelled as control which has tap water.
Step 22: Pour 10 ml of tap water into the measuring cylinder and then pour it into Control (1). Repeat this step and pour 10 ml of tap water into each of Control (2) and Control (3).
Step 23: Take the beaker labelled as A which has tap water.
Step 23: Pour 10 ml of tap water into the measuring cylinder and then pour it into A(1) Tap water. Repeat this step and pour 10 ml of tap water into each of A(2) Tap water and A(3) Tap water.
Step 24: Take the beaker labelled as B which has salt water.
Step 25: Pour 10 ml of salt water into the measuring cylinder and then pour it into B(1) Salt water. Repeat this step and pour 10 ml of salt water into each of B(2) Salt water and B(3) Salt water.
Step 26: Take the beaker labelled as C which has sugar water.
Step 27: Pour 10 ml of sugar water into the measuring cylinder and then pour it into C(1) Sugar water. Repeat this step and pour 10 ml of sugar water into each of C(2) Sugar water and C(3) Sugar water.
Step 28: Take the beaker labelled as D which has detergent water.
Step 29: Pour 10 ml of detergent water into the measuring cylinder and then pour it into D(1) Detergent water. Repeat this step and pour 10 ml of detergent water into each of D(2) Detergent water and D(3) Detergent water.
Step 30: After watering all the plants, place them in a corner where they can get sunlight.
Step 31: Water all the plants once a day with the respective water types until conclusion of experiment.
Step 32: Record data of the height change in the notebook everyday.
Step 33: Conclusion. Take final measurement change and identify final growth change. Now, we can see which plant grew the tallest. We will be able to find out which type of water is the best for the plant growth.
Step 34: After the end of the experiment, repeat the whole experiment again to test reliability.

Data Analysis
From the tables for the data, we can see the plant growth in different types of water. We can also compare each of the table to see the difference in the plant growth. From the table, we can also get the graph. From the graph, we can see the height change. This will allow us to find out which type of water is best for plant growth.

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